Once this form is submitted, copies of this Form are to be kept by: 

  1. The RDA Centre  

  2. The Member State Office (where applicable) 

 A PDF copy of this form will be sent to the primary contact email address that is entered into this form. 

Information contained in this Form will be reported for statistical purposes to Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia Limited (RDAA). 

Volunteer Personal Details

Emergency Contact

Photography and Videography Consent

Declaration and Consent

 National Insurance Program Summary and Guidelines for Participants and Volunteers 

 RDA Australia has worked with its insurance partners to develop an insurance program that will provide cover that will protect volunteers when they are injured, or a claim is made against them. These insurance solutions have been devised to ensure the sustainability of the RDA Activities nation-wide and maintaining alignment to our Vision and Values. The link below summarises the Insurance Cover and answer some frequently asked questions.

National Insurance Program Summary and Guidelines for Participants and Volunteers

Risk Warning & Acknowledgment

Description of Activities [1]:

The Public Liability policy provides cover for the following listed activities. Horse riding and related activities officially sanctioned and under the control of an insured RDA centre including but not limited to: • Horse riding • Venue property owner/occupier • Vaulting, Carriage Driving, Rides • Displays, Exhibitions, Performances • Competitions • Governance,  administrative or social activities including social club operating, Food and Beverage Canteen Operators • Fundraising • Maintenance of horse riding venues • Carer of Horses • Risk Management administration • Membership services coordination including website and social media management and administration• Rules and Regulations provider • Distribution of newsletters and brochures • Developers and Promoters of horse riding activities for the disabled • Course education providers • Coaching, Teaching and Instruction of RDA activities

As a Volunteer I acknowledge, agree and understand that:

  • My duties may include working with and around horses including horse riding activities. 

  • Participation in horse riding and horse related activities can be inherently dangerous. 

  • Serious accidents can and do happen.

  • By my participation in any Activities arranged by RDA, certain risks or dangers may be present which could result in:

            o Physical, bodily or psychological injury or death.

            o Physical exertion to which I am not accustomed.

            o Failure of equipment

            o There being no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport to treatment if I am injured.

            o The conditions in which the activities are conducted varying without warning.

            o My causing injury to other persons and/or other persons causing injury to me.

  • The Activities are being undertaken for the purposes of recreation, enjoyment or leisure, and involve a degree of risk of physical harm.

  • The Activities may be undertaken with one or more other persons as part of a group and that RDA is not liable for the actions of other participants in the group activity.

[1] RDA includes its officers, employees, members, agents, contractors, coaches and centre committees and assigns RDA.

2 Activities includes all activities and services ancillary to or associated with the named Activity, both before and after the Activity, including transportation to and from the location of the Activity whether provided by RDA or not, briefings, inductions, training, and the provision of information in all manuals, safety guidelines and other documentation provided to or made available to the Participant with respect to the Activity, familarisation with clothing or equipment and methods of operation of equipment and the wearing and removal of any clothing or equipment associated with the Activity. Unless otherwise specified, a reference to an Activity is a reference to a recreational service or a recreational activity as defined in relevant legislation referred to herein.

  • There are risks associated with the Activities and/or recreational services and I undertake any such risk voluntarily and at my own risk. 

  • Riding activities will be supervised to the level of my abilities however I may exercise my right to decline opportunities to ride without prejudicing my involvement as a volunteer.  I may also exercise my right to change my mind in this matter at any time.

  • All information relating to RDA Participants is confidential and I cannot disclose such information to anyone other than as required to provide and/or participate in the RDA Activities.

Volunteer’s Warranties

I agree to and warrant that I will:

  • abide by all of RDA’s rules including but not limited to the child safeguarding rules, policies, standard operating and safe work procedures, the Volunteer Information Package and Code of Conduct, Constitutions and any direction or instruction given to me by RDA during the course of the Activities. 

  • use and/or wear any equipment given to or required to be worn by me by RDA.

  • not engage in any reckless, negligent or foolish behaviour or any other behaviour that is likely to cause injury to me, any other participant or person.

I declare and warrant that I am medically and physically fit and able to participate in the Activities.  I acknowledge that I must, and warrant that I will, disclose any pre-existing medical or other condition, injury or concern that may affect the risk that either I or any other person will suffer injury, loss or damage during the course of the Activities and notify RDA of any injuries, illness or concerns that may arise during the Activity. 

I agree that if I suffer any injury or illness, RDA may provide evacuation, first aid, ambulance and/or medical treatment at my expense and that my acceptance of these terms and conditions constitutes my consent to such evacuation, first aid, ambulance and/or medical treatment and agreement to bear any cost thereof.

I warrant that I will not consume any alcohol or mind altering substance, or medication that may impact my judgement or physical capacity, before or at the time of engaging in the Activities.

PLEASE NOTE: RDA strongly recommends all volunteers to be up to date with Tetanus immunisations, COVID-19 vaccination and boosters and immunisation against Hepatitis B is advised. COVID-19 vaccination and boosters may be mandatory in your State or Territory (contact your Centre or State Office for details).

Waiver/Exclusion of liability

I agree to and unconditionally release, waive, discharge and forever hold harmless, RDA or any of its employees, agents, directors or officers, from any claims as a result of any personal injury sustained, whether caused by RDA’s negligent act or wilful act or omission, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty, error, or otherwise in connection with or arising out of the Activities.

I agree that RDA will not be liable for any claims for personal injury that may be brought against it as a result of or in connection with any act, omission, default, failure or error on the part of RDA, and agree to indemnify and keep indemnified RDA in respect of any such claims.

It is possible for a supplier of recreational services to ask you to agree that the statutory guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law (which is schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) do not apply to you. If you sign this form, you will be agreeing that your rights (or the rights of a person for whom or on whose behalf you are acquiring the services) to sue RDA in relation to RDA’s services or the activities that you undertake because the services or activities provided were not in accordance with the guarantees are excluded, restricted or modified as set out below.

By signing this form, you agree that the liability of RDA in relation to the activities (as defined by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), and the Australian Consumer Law) and recreational activities (as defined by the Civil Liability Acts and legislation relevant to your State or Territory) for any:

(a)    Deaths;

(b)    Physical or mental injuries (including the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of such an injury);

(c)    The contraction, aggravation or acceleration of a disease;

(d)    The coming into existence, the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition, circumstance,            occurrence, activity, form of behaviour, course of conduct or state of affairs in relation to an individual:

            (i)    That is or may be harmful or disadvantageous to you or the community; or

            (ii)    That may result in harm or disadvantage to you or community;

that may be suffered by you (or a person for whom or on whose behalf you are acquiring the services) resulting from the supply of the recreational services or recreational activities is excluded.

[1] RDA includes its officers, employees, members, agents, contractors, coaches and centre committees and assigns RDA.

2 Activities includes all activities and services ancillary to or associated with the named Activity, both before and after the Activity, including transportation to and from the location of the Activity whether provided by RDA or not, briefings, inductions, training, and the provision of information in all manuals, safety guidelines and other documentation provided to or made available to the Participant with respect to the Activity, familarisation with clothing or equipment and methods of operation of equipment and the wearing and removal of any clothing or equipment associated with the Activity. Unless otherwise specified, a reference to an Activity is a reference to a recreational service or a recreational activity as defined in relevant legislation referred to herein.

Warning & Acknowledgment, Volunteer’s Warranties and Waiver/Exclusion of liability PDF

RDA Volunteer Code of Conduct 

RDA requires every volunteer bound by this policy to: 

  1. Be ethical, fair and honest in all their dealings with other people and RDA.  

  2. Treat all persons with respect and courtesy and have proper regard for their dignity, rights and obligations.  

  3. Always place the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults above other considerations 

  4. Comply with RDAA’s Constitution, rules and policies including the Volunteer Policy  

  5. Operate within the rules and spirit of the organisation 

  6. Comply with all relevant Australian laws (Federal and State) particularly antidiscrimination and child protection laws  

  7. Be responsible and accountable for their conduct 

  8. Make a commitment to providing quality service 

  9. To not use their involvement with RDA to promote their own beliefs, behaviours and practises where these are inconsistent with those of RDAA, a Member State or Territory or Affiliated Centre. 

  10. Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility when dealing with persons who are under 18 years of age or non-consenting adults with a disability, as your words and actions are an example  

  11. Avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with persons who are under 18 years of age or vulnerable adults, wherever possible 

  12. Refrain from any form of harassment of others 

  13. Refrain from any behaviour that may bring RDAA, A Member State or Territory or an Affiliated Centre into disrepute 

  14. Show concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured 

  15. Be a positive role model 

  16. Understand the repercussions if they breach, or are aware of any breaches of, this code of conduct.

Volunteer Code of Conduct PDF

 For Volunteers under age 18: 

 This is to certify that I, as a parent/guardian with legal responsibility for the Volunteer, acknowledge, understand and accept all of the above and consent to his/her release as provided above. I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless RDA from any and all liabilities arising from my minor child’s involvement or participation in the activities and/or recreational services, even if arising from the negligence of RDA.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Volunteering with RDA in Australia provides opportunity for people to connect and engage with a national network of resources, expertise and passionate people. We welcome volunteer enquiries from 12 years of age. If you know someone who has a genuine interest in becoming part of one of our fun and supportive RDA communities, please copy this link to our Volunteer Enquiry Form or take a photo or screenshot of the QR code below and send it to them.

RDA Australia Volunteer Enquiry Form
